Have You Met Michelle Robson ?
Michelle is the founder and chairman of EmpowHer, a digital media company dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women everywhere. Her passion for health advocacy is rooted in her personal experience. Michelle suffered from serious health issues and, despite considerable resources and access to care, she cycled through several different doctors who prescribed multiple treatments and medications. After nearly a year, she found herself suffering in silence – confused, isolated and still sick. Michelle ultimately became her own advocate and started on the road to wellness. She has gone on to become a renowned medical advocate, reaching hundreds of thousands of women around the world through EmpowHer as well as through her personal efforts.
Michelle has served as the chairperson of various state commissions, including the Governor’s Arizona Commission of Women’s and Children’s health. She was recently honored with the Fresh Start Founders’ Award for her ongoing service to women. Fresh Start is dedicated to the empowerment and self-sufficiency of women who are facing transition in their lives, helping them achieve emotional and financial independence. She has played a key role in the effort to educate the Food and Drug Admnistration (FDA) about the benefits of bioidentical hormones, resulting in the largest consumer advocacy campaign with the FDA related to smoking. Michelle served as co-chair of the St. Joseph’s Hospital and Barrow’s Medical Center $32 million dollar Pushing Boundaries Capital Campaign. She is a founding member of the National Campaign for Tolerance, and continues to serve as a Board Member of The Biltmore Bank of Arizona. Michelle is a former board member of the Josephson Institute of Ethics, the nation’s leading advocacy group for ethics education and community outreach with a campaign called Character Counts. In her effort to reach women everywhere, Michelle has been featured in many women’s magazines and has shared her story with newspapers, television and radio outlets across the U.S.
Michelle lives with her husband Ed, and daughter Amanda in Phoenix, Arizona.